The office of the 'God's wife of Amun', already important in the New Kingdom (about 1550-1069 BC) and in the late 22nd Dynasty, became especially influential in the 25th and 26th Dynasty. Kings placed ...
En la historia de la humanidad siempre han estado aquellos que niegan explícitamente a Dios, los denominados ateos; otros que crean dioses a sus medidas trayendo como consecuencia visiones ...
A man, a goose, a ram. Amun, one of the most important gods, could appear in many forms. His name meant “The Hidden One” and no one really knew what he looked like. This is a rare statue of a man with ...
y otras como un hombre con cabeza de lobo y cola de serpiente.Los demonólogos han asociado su nombre con el dios egipcio Amun o con el dios Ba'al Hammon de los cartagineses; también conocido ...
In the Amun ritual recorded on Papyrus Berlin 3055, the daily offering ritual comprises the following sections: 1. it begins with the burning of incense before going to the shrine Bronze censer UC ...
Temples, including a Temple of Amun and a Temple of Horus, have been found. Even urban districts of the ancient city remain, and the site continues to host archaeological expeditions in search of ...
2. ¿Por qué es un bien tan precioso? La familia es un don tan precioso porque forma parte del plan de Dios para que todas las personas puedan nacer y desarrollarse en una comunidad de amor ...
The players (leaders of a royal Egyptian family) choose their sites, build their pyramids, and thank Amun-Re and the other gods for their bounty. In Amun-Re, each pharaoh wants to build the most ...
Al-Monitor is an award-winning media outlet covering the Middle East, valued for its independence, diversity and analysis. It is read widely by US, international and Middle East decision makers at the ...