The ink of the scholar is more holy than the blood of the martyr.” — the Prophet Muhammad Muhammad decried ignorance.
What did they care about? What forces of history shaped them? Author and historian David Levering Lewis, a two-time Pulitzer Prize winner for his biographies of Black intellectual pioneer W.E.B ...
SCOTT HELLER What books are on your night stand? David Greenberg, “John Lewis: A Life”; Joshua Green, “The Rebels: Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and the ...
Over a video chat, David Levering Lewis is sharing the story about how he found the muse for his latest book inside one of Atlanta’s oldest churches. Nearly 10 years ago, the New York University ...
Historian and author David Levering Lewis chronicles his ancestor’s struggles during slavery and Reconstruction, and their ...
Shirley Franklin is a tough critic. Especially of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. That is why I approached her with caution last week after a lecture and book signing by the esteemed scholar David ...
Reading “The Stained Glass Window” by Dr. David Levering Lewis (see Michael Henry Adams’ insightful review in our pages), I came across the name of William Sanders Scarborough. Unless you attended ...