How well do you really know the U.S. Constitution? Discover things you might not have realized about this influential ...
When the US Constitution was written, many people − from those who wrote the document to those on the outside who read it − ...
In 1787, General George Washington presided over the Constitutional Convention with sphinx-like inscrutability. He betrayed not a flicker of emotion as the architects of a new nation wrangled ...
Challenges Because he was America’s first president, George Washington essentially created the presidency. For example, although the Constitution explained government roles and some limitations, no ...
Challenges Upon his inauguration as the first president on April 30, 1789, George Washington assumed office under the tenuous circumstances of an untested federal government. The newly established ...
Feb. 22, 1732 George Washington is born in a modest house ... elected as the first president of the United States under the Constitution. He serves two terms but refuses a third.
Mason and Gerry (who later supported the Constitution and served in the First Congress) were concerned about the lack of a declaration of rights. Despite these objections, George Washington ...
If you are counting on a potential electoral contest between Barack Obama and Donald Trump, you might have to tamp down your expectations.
When citizens are poorly informed, they can be easily manipulated by those seeking to undo our founding principles.
They began to emerge with disputes over the ratification of the Constitution, becoming known as the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists. George Washington specifically warned against “the ...
George Washington was the first president of the ... central government connecting the states together under a national constitution. Indeed, he served as the president of the convention of ...