In the modern era of medicine, a 100-year-old man, Mr. S. C. Kapur, successfully underwent a hip replacement surgery in New ...
There are statistics about what happens when you break your hip and they include ... Something like half of people who fracture their hips wind up in a nursing home type setting for at least ...
GLP-1 agonists may be protective against hip fracture when administered for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, according to ...
In September, 1941, I 5 reported, besides other types, 8 nonunited hip fractures treated by McMurray's procedure. Six of them had progressed, as I thought, long enough to give a fair evaluation of ...
"We want to answer the question, 'When an older adult has this type of broken hip, does fixing the fracture or replacing the hip best reduce death, maintain their ability to walk, increase their ...
Each year, more than 5 million older adults around the world suffer hip fractures, which can be debilitating and sometimes fatal. One common type of hip fracture, a femoral neck fracture ...