The show will debut on Disney+ on 5 March 2025 and reunites Charlie Cox (Matt Murdock / Daredevil) and Vincent D’Onofrio (Wilson Fisk / Kingpin) in a new series that's seemingly even more brutal than the Netflix original.
The Marvel Cinematic Universe is massive, especially now that Disney+ includes sections on Fox's X-Men and Fantastic Four, even acknowledging … Continue reading "Marvel Series You Forgot Existed Burie
A tweet recently went viral for spotlighting what it called the “current MCU trend" of introducing new characters in big and important ways, only to have them disappear from the narrative. This included Harry Styles ' appearance as Eros and Brett Goldstein’s debut as Hercules among others…
Actor Sebastian Stan will once again play Bucky, and as someone who has been around since Phase One, he shared thoughts about Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans returning to the shared universe. What we know about Thunderbolts* is limited,
This year, Marvel is letting go of legacy characters to zap some new energy into its TV brand. While Riri Williams (Dominique Thorne) debuted in 2022’s theatrical Wakanda Forever, her imminent TV series isn’t related to Black Panther at all.
Buckey Barnes actor Sebastian Stan has called the upcoming Suicide Squad-esque film Thunderbolts* The Breakfast Club of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Marvel Studios’ upcoming Vision series with Paul Bettany is going back to the source code: Faran Tahir is joining the show as Raza, the role he originated in the studio’s first feature film, 2008’s “Iron Man.
Marvel has revealed the first trailer for Daredevil Born Again, as well as its Disney+ release date, with a cast including Charlie Cox and Jon Bernthal.
Marvel Cinematic Universe, and included some of the most game-changing events in the franchise's history. While the early projects of the MCU were set primarily in the years in which they were released,
The MCU isn't slowing down, with 2025 set to be a very busy year for Marvel. However, if the MCU were to end, these are some ways it could happen.
Marvel Studios has had difficulties with both Shang-Chi and Blade in recent years, and it is clear which of the two Marvel should prioritize as they develop their future film slate. Both characters have found big cinematic success,