If you're seeking Greenville's best internet service provider, we've got just the thing. Thanks to our CNET experts, we now ...
Brazilian soccer legend and member of the Greenville Pro Soccer ownership group Ronaldinho Assis attended the groundbreaking.
A Michelin star chef is opening a tasting menu style restaurant in downtown Greenville.
Deputies are investigating a deadly stabbing in downtown Greenville. The Greenville County Sheriff’s Office responded to Church Street in Greenville after deputies received a call about an assault at ...
Developers are building houses with modern European, Scandinavian and farmhouse styles in city neighborhoods, causing ...
The City of Greenville is taking a vote Thursday night on a new text amendment that would allow Camping World to fly their ...
The Greenville Police Department is investigating a rash of vehicle break-ins involving young suspects that occurred on ...
Greenville's professional men's soccer club and pre-professional women's club break ground on their new stadium on March 12.
A Home for All includes the United Way, United Housing, and 40 other groups working to find housing for people by December ...
Officers with the Greenville Police Department arrived to a shooting in less than three minutes Monday, thanks to ShotSpotter technology. ShotSpotter was ...
Isaac Seelam, a native of Southern India, has been the pastor of Greenville Baptist Church for a year and three months. At ...
Clemson coach Brad Brownell was the fourth-highest paid coach in the ACC in the 2024-25 season. See where he ranks nationally ...