As Margaret Thatcher, Ronald Reagan, and Pope St. John Paul II made so abundantly clear, true peace can only be achieved ...
Hundreds of Southeast Asians were repatriated home over the weekend as Thailand continued to crack down on cross-border human ...
But he also told people, "I feel in my heart the 'blessing' that is hidden within frailty, because it is precisely in these ...
Thattil and his vicar Archbishop Joseph Pamplany also appealed to the warring priests and laity to offer at least one Mass ...
Catholics in South Korea have urged the Japanese government to offer a sincere apology to the comfort women forced into ...
The cross of Christ manifests in the most impressive way the paradox of divine Beauty, a “sign of contradiction” ...
Two men suspected of having a gay sex are canned in Aceh, the only Indonesian province with strict Sharia laws ...
The Church in Japan stands at a crossroads. In a country facing a demographic crisis with its aging population and declining ...
Nearly 1,700 firefighters are battling Japan's biggest forest fire in three decades, officials said on March 3, as some 4,600 ...
The Trump administration "immediately terminated" its contract with the US Conference of Catholic Bishops for refugee ...
Liturgical ceremonies must accompany the faithful in prayer and avoid "unnecessary pomp," he wrote in a message to ...
The United States issued a security alert to its citizens in Thailand on Feb. 28, warning of the possible risk of reprisal ...