At one drugstore in Los Angeles, just about every single item is behind plastic guards.
During the winter, doctors see patient after patient with cold and flu symptoms. Here's how they avoid getting sick—tips you ...
Dr. Meghan Martin, a pediatric emergency medicine physician and mom of four, has the perfect solution to the fall and winter ...
There are effective vaccines and medications to prevent and treat these infections, and they can be detected early through ...
Doctors at a medical center in west Alabama say the number of its pediatric patients has doubled from July to August, all ...
With public health concerns on the rise, knowing which areas to avoid touching in public can be a simple but effective way to ...
Ahead of the UN meeting, four specialists — from Bangladesh ... include staff members failing to keep surfaces and their ...
Flu symptoms are hitting the greater Peoria area sooner than usual. Doctors cite the main cause due to changes in seasons and ...
There’s an uptick in the D.C. area in the number of pneumonia cases found among children, doctors at Children’s National ...
However you feel about the prospect of packing your own bags at the grocery store checkout, or the affordability of Erewhon, ...
According to a 2015 survey by the Risk Management Foundation of the Harvard Medical Institution, communication failures in ...
How much do you need? A: When you eat yogurt, which is a live culture, you’re adding to the diversity of the vast and complex communities of bacteria, yeasts and fungi that make their home in ...