Bill and Marni, his partner for 40 years and wife of 30 years, poured their passion into their business Wheelhouse and ...
Millennium Trail users are reminded that all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) and dirt bikes are not permitted on the trail in winter months once grooming operations have started. Grooming is now underway.
An early start to spring cleaning this month, put family and friends in the picture. Dusting the many photo albums stored in wicker baskets beneath a bench in my dining room, I discovered fascinating ...
My first column in County Weekly News appeared in its premier edition, 25 years ago. My late husband, Alan R. Capon also submitted a column titled Reflections. Our contributions were to be a temporary ...
I presented a talk on ‘Cardiovascular Health and Cholesterol’ last week. However, I ran out of time and was unable to cover a few very important factors. So important, in fact, that I want to discuss ...
Thanks to the Huff Family Fund through the County Foundation, the library is planning a series of author talks for Multiculturalism Day and Pride Month, to be held in June. If you’re interested in ...
In the early morning hours of June 7, 1926, three young persons from Prince Edward County drowned in a tragic accident off the Belleville government dock. The victims were identified as Keith ...