In this podcast, Tim also shares his brief thoughts following the recent IBA conference "Silicon Hills – start-up to exit".
It seems unbelievable that the exact same media headlines from a year ago could easily be republished word for word another year on from the Didcot Power Station disaster. It is now NINE years since ...
Ruling confirms sellers' right to challenge earnout payments, reinforcing protections for sellers in M&A transactions. Fieldfisher has secured a significant victory for its clients in the High Court ...
From June 2025, collectors importing into the EU cultural property originally created or discovered outside the EU must comply with new EU regulations (Regulation (EU) 2019/880). The collecting areas ...
Lanzada la nueva web de la Red EAMI (Red de Autoridades en Medicamentos de Iberoamérica) La semana pasada la Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios (AEMPS) puso en marcha la nueva web ...
Die Hamburgische Vergaberichtlinie ist eine Verwaltungsvorschrift, die die Beschaffung von Liefer- und Dienstleistungen in der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg regelt und den Vergabestellen der Freie und ...
The proposed implementation of the Pay Transparency Directive in Poland has sparked significant debate among various stakeholders, including government bodies and businesses. The directive, aimed at ...
1. Desde el pasado 7 de febrero hasta el 28 de febrero de 2025 se podrán formular propuestas sobre el procedimiento de subastas de necesidades de ahorro energético previsto en el artículo 19 del Real ...
1. From 7 February to 28 February 2025, proposals may be submitted on the auction procedure for energy saving needs provided for in Article 19 of Royal Decree 36/2023, of 24 January, which establishes ...
Utilise technology: The use of an eDiscovery platform can streamline the DSAR process through advanced search and review ...
Twin pregnancies carry additional risk for the mother and babies, which can have devasting outcomes if prenatal care is not managed properly. Mothers of twins should receive specialist care and extra ...
1. Del 13 de febrero al 7 de marzo de 2025, el Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico ha abierto el trámite de audiencia e información pública sobre la propuesta de Real Decreto ...